Symposium on Inter-Legality

The CIR team is glad to invite you to a forthcoming webinar concerning Inter-legality. The webinar will take place on the Webex platform on the 6th of May and is titled"Interlegality: Exploring its Scope and Rational".
The symposium has been organized on the occasion of the Italian Law Journal Special Issue concerning Inter-Legality published a few weeks ago (you can find it here). This special issue includes six articles that touch upon theoretical and practical issues as well as extend various diverse topics such as climate change, copyrights, and surveillance.
The symposium on Inter-legality will therefore comprise two different sessions as follows:
1st Session: Interlegality and Complex Legal Systems (11.00-13.00). The speakers will be: Viola Cappelli (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), Maria Varaki (King's College London) and Edoardo Chiti (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna).
2nd Session: Interlegality, Norms, and Adjudication (15.00-17.00). The speakers will be: Caterina Sganga (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), Miodrag Jovanovic (University of Belgrade) and Claudio Michelon (University of Edinburgh).
Both sessions will engage with the contributors in the Interlegality Symposium of the Italian Law Journal.
You can have access to the event through this link. The password is "Interlegality". For more information please write to