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Book: L'era dell'interlegalità, Il Mulino, 2021, ed. by E. Chiti, A. di Martino, G. Palombella

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In November 2021, the book ‘L’era dell’interlegalità’ has been published. It has been edited by professors Edoardo Chiti, Alberto di Martino and Gianluigi Palombella.

The book, published by ‘Il Mulino’, includes seventeen chapters both in Italian and English that analyse the notion of interlegality both from a theoretical and an applied point of view.

Here is the book abstract:

Interlegality is the new frontier of law in the globalized space. This book offers the theoretical foundations and follows some crucial developments. No state, no national, regional or supra-state legal regime escapes inextricable relationships of overlap, competition, if not conflict, placing the courts, the municipalities, the legislators before a different universe that requires new attitudes and new legal perspectives. The state of things seems to dictate that each legal system recognizes the relevance of a «composite» law that results from the interconnection between the different legalities in the specific case. The volume explores this reality by using an innovative notion of «interlegality» both as an analytical tool and as a prescriptive criterion, and examines its dynamics in two different situations, those of decision and regulation. The goal is to provide jurists with new interpretations and tools to recognize and govern situations of interlegality’.