Rule of Law beyond the Nation-State: International, Supranational, Transnational Contexts
The members of the CIR team participated in a two-days seminar organized by the Centre for the Study of Constitutionalism of the Faculty of Political Science and by the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade and by the Serbian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy.
The event was titled “Rule of Law beyond the Nation-State: International, Supranational, Transnational Contexts” and dealt with the issue of the interactions between different legalities beyond Nation-States.
The conference took place on the 10th (Friday) and the 11th (Saturday) September in blended modality: it was possible to attend in presence in the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade and online via Webex.
On Friday 10th September, after the welcome speech of the organizers, the first speech of the seminar was given by Prof. Gianluigi Palombella, who dealt with the issue of "Legality, the Rule of law, and the Path to Inter-legality in the Extra-State Setting". In the afternoon, Gürkan Çapar gave a speech entitled "A Voice from Karlsruhe: In the name of Rule of Law".
You can find the full programme of the two-days event in the PDF flyer attached (right side of the page, download section).